After a busy sprint of a June for Matt and I, we are excited to share some of the amazing takeaways we haven’t yet had the chance to chat about from Chris and Lori Harder’s Dinner Series event, specifically after hearing from one of their awesome guest speakers, Brendon Burchard! You can check out the podcast episode all about it directly below, but I wanted to take this blog post opportunity to dive into the tangible details, especially if you listened to this episode on the go and couldn’t take notes!
I’ll be getting into 5 of the most impactful things we learned from Brendon’s talk, and that can be implemented into your life almost immediately! These mindset shifts along with these intentional and practical tips can be the game changers you need to expand your network and build on your success! So let’s get into each one:
1. Your Output Energy Matters
A framework you apply to your interactions with other people is the concept of “Selfie vs. Service” energy. Selfie energy implies that you are only seeking from others how they can help you move the needle in your own business or life, where Service energy is asking how you can support someone else FIRST! A lot of these points really focus on the art of giving before asking, and you’d be surprised at how much more you get back when you put your energy into serving others! Building that trust and reliability with the people you meet does wonders in the long run and others WILL notice!
2. Expand Your Network For Your Network
When you meet people, ask yourself “Who do I know that could help them?”
If you can become the power link and connector between one person’s problem with someone else that has the solution- this is something the people you have connected are not likely to forget! Expanding your network intentionally in this way is one of those “natural shortcuts” in business and entrepreneurship, because when it comes time that you are in need of support, those people might have the solution for you! Bringing it back to that service energy from earlier, being that go-to person for others and seeking to help them has its perks! It’s kind of like entrepreneur matchmaking and you get to say you brought those 2 people together!
3. Your ROI Has Already Been Calculated
This was truly a mic drop moment when Brendon said this! It can be easy to get caught up with worry and be overly concerned about how quickly you will receive the return on your investment when it comes to business or the work you do! BUT, if you are truly doing what you're supposed to be doing, working hard and putting in the reps, things WILL work out how they are meant to! It’s time to let go of the mindset that “if I do this one thing faster, the faster everything else will happen” and just focus on the right actions themselves. Then, when you face obstacles or have to navigate a hard lesson, you take that as a learning moment and bring it with you for next time and onward! As soon as you can do this, I believe you are immediately setting yourself up for more success!
Unless you’re new here, you probably know that Matt and I are huge advocates for this point! (We even ran a 1-Day Mastermind with the same name, and are currently planning our second!!!) This is another one of those natural short cuts in business, because the people you meet in those rooms have the potential to propel you where you need to go quicker than you would by yourself! Plus, people are willing to share amazing pieces of wisdom with you in these rooms, because they recognize that you’ve shown up and are actively seeking to better yourself, your business, community and more!
Maybe you’re wondering what ways you can do this? Of course there are events and masterminds you can travel to that are great- but did you know that there are a ton of low investment and free courses, zoom meeting and online events too? Volunteering to help and be in the room is also an amazing start at dipping your toes! Remember at the end of the day, it’s all about putting yourself into a space with like-minded individuals looking to be motivated and inspired! Even when it feels scary or uncomfortable, I promise you won’t regret it!
5. Build A Rhythmic Life
Now this one can look a little bit different for everyone, but essentially it’s all about creating boundaries and finding structure in your days, weeks and months, especially when it comes to finding joy for yourself! This doesn't mean that every hour of your day is suddenly booked and scheduled, but sometimes this can look like just starting with one thing and taking that first step. Even if that means setting aside 30 minutes for something you haven't made time for in the past, but want to change. Habit stacking is also another great way to adopt this! Start small and grow over time!
This talk from Brendon was so enriching, high value and packed with goodness we loved taking in and are focusing on applying in our own business, network and in life! I’ve been a huge fan of Brendon’s for years and have so much gratitude for the impact his books High Performance Habits and The Motivation Manifesto have had on my life both professionally and personally. We hope these lessons stick with you as much as they did for us! I would love to hear what spoke to you the most, so definitely reach out to me on Instagram @InspireAndMove and let me know!